Varius by EQVIS - A hands-on review by Deployant
The EQVIS Varius was recently reviewed by Singapore’s leading online source for luxury wrist watches, Deployant. You can read it here: and also rate it as well as comment on it. Our deeply felt gratitude goes out to Chester Lau, who reviewed the Varius and wrote the article, as well as Peter Chong, who runs Deployant and was the one to consider the Varius for a review in the first place. Thanks guys, we highly appreciate your consideration and effort!
In case you are interested in other published articles and reviews regarding EQVIS and the Varius, we’ve put together a list of links for you below:
- Announcement on Timezone
- Review on Timezone
- Review on Oceanic Time
- Review on Total Design Reviews
- Review on Watches & Art